Commit early and often, push once (version control tip)
A useful tip when using version control is to commit early and often, clean up history as often as you like and push only once.
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A useful tip when using version control is to commit early and often, clean up history as often as you like and push only once.
URLs are important for everyone: Marketers, SEO experts, businesses and customers. Here’s how you must write them to prevent issues later.
If you need to separate your website services or provide services to multiple countries (geotargeting), you’ll need to use separate domains, subdomains or paths. Find out which is best.
Find out everything you need to know about version control and git.
Learn the practical benefits of functional programming + learn the basics of the most important techniques, including monads.
What are the requirements of software and why do they matter? Knowing them helps you write better code. It also helps you apply programming principles better.
Programming principles are necessary. Applying them properly helps you create good software. This article is a thorough introduction to programming principles for beginners.
Is it QA’s responsibility to write end to end tests, or should developers write end to end tests instead?
Every developer needs to know the basics of application security. Here are the best ways and the best resources to learn from.