Use a separate branch for risky rebasing (version control tip)
A useful tip when performing risky rebases is to use another branch. That way, if anything goes wrong, your original branch isn’t affected.
A useful tip when performing risky rebases is to use another branch. That way, if anything goes wrong, your original branch isn’t affected.
Learn everything you need to know about commit messages in version control. A good commit should be atomic, a logical unit of change, stable and more. Find out what that means along with many examples of real commits.
A useful tip when trying out things with code, particularly “prototype-like code”, is to create a new branch for it. That way, you can prevent a few problems.
A useful thing to do with git and version control is to configure default options for commands you use often. This saves you time and makes your life easier.
Find out how much version control knowledge jobs require and how much version control you need to use to gain the maximum benefits out of it.
Learn everything you need to know about structuring commits in version control. A good commit should be atomic, a logical unit of change, stable and more. Find out what that means along with many examples of real commits.
Learn everything you need to know about how to use branches in version control including branching strategies, branching workflows, merging strategies and more.
Learn the benefits of version control, including uncommon things that most developers don’t know.
A useful tip when using version control is to commit early and often, clean up history as often as you like and push only once.
Find out everything you need to know about version control and git.