Defensive & offensive programming
Defensive programming helps with uptime and reliability. Offensive programming helps you find bugs. They’re both extremely useful in software.
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Defensive programming helps with uptime and reliability. Offensive programming helps you find bugs. They’re both extremely useful in software.
Exceptions vs error values has been a debate in error handling for decades. In this article we’ll examine the pros and cons of each.
When catching and handling errors, you need to keep some best practices in mind. Some are essential for correct programs.
When errors occur in production, you want to know about it. You need some way of recording them, so you can view them and debug them later.
In the error handling series we mention the term “error” a lot. We mean it in the generic sense, not strictly for “bugs”. Read more for details.
What should a program should do when it encounters an error? It depends on the error, the program and the user experience.
This article is the complete guide and reference for naming in code. Learn how to write good names and about common naming conventions in code.
Here’s how to make a simple carousel slider with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. We use good code practices, make it accessible and discuss testing.
Here’s an intermediate / advanced functional programming challenge that I was asked in an interview for a high-level position.
Learn how to create small, specific code units (functions and methods) that are easy for you to work with.
Learn about the 3 common software dangers most companies face that can cost a serious amount of money and inefficiency.
Learn unit testing from beginner to intermediate (along with some advanced topics), with lots of practical examples testing different types of code.